What is Trend in Portfolio Analysis?

Portfolio Trend helps investors identify the trends of all the symbols within their portfolios. These can either be their saved portfolios or from the more than 100 pre-built Spotalpha themes (such as Software, Telecommunications, Airlines, Internet, Healthcare Services, Insurance, Utilities, Electric, Real Estate, etc).

The results of Portfolio Trend analysis are presented in a tabular format that includes eight important volumes of information. These volumes consist of the start date of the signal generation, the symbol or stock being analysed, the trend (either “sell” or “buy”), the starting price at the time of signal generation, the Last Traded Price (LTP), the Profit and Loss (P/L) based on the LTP, the net change in LTP and starting price, and the percentage change.

To determine the profit or loss, if the trend signal is “Buy” and the change in price is positive, it is considered a profit, and if the change is negative, it is considered a loss. Similarly, if the trend signal is “Sell” and the change in price is negative, then the P/L is profitable as price has fallen since the sell signal. Conversely, if the change is positive, it is considered a loss.

In cases where the table list is lengthy, the search box can be used to quickly locate specific symbols. Clicking on a symbol provides users with a detailed analysis in the form of an Alpha Report, along with a technical analysis chart where the user can add more than 50 indicators to perform further research.

Overall, Portfolio Trend is a valuable tool that allows investors to monitor and analyse the trends of various symbols within their watchlist/portfolio. Subscribers receive email notifications when a trend change happens, helping them to make informed decisions based on market movements and their own investment strategies.

Follow these easy steps to use Alpha Builder’s tool “Portfolio Trend” to visualise the trend of the symbols in the portfolio:

1. On the home-page, click “Alpha Builder” or select sub-menu item “ALPHA BUILDER” under the “TOOLS” head of the “PRODUCTS” menu.
2. Scroll down the page and click on “Portfolio trend“.
3. The trend of the symbols from a free portfolio is shown.
4. Click on the tag icon button on the right of the “Select portfolio :” to select the portfolio from the list of saved portfolios.
5. The search results in step 3 and 4 will display row(s) of portfolio symbol(s), each row mentioning the symbol trend, percentage change, absolute change, LTP (previous day), etc. for each symbol.

Useful Links:
Portfolio Trend US
How to Use Alpha Builder (YouTube)