Follow these easy steps to use “Portfolio Optimiser” tool to build efficient portfolios:
1. On the home-page, click “Portfolio optimiser – stocks” or select sub-menu item “PORTFOLIO OPTIMISER – STOCKS” under the “TOOLS” head of the “PRODUCTS” menu.
2. Click on the orange button captioned “Portfolio optimiser“.
a) Create New Portfolio
- Enter the name of the portfolio on the text-line captioned “Portfolio Name“.
- Enter the symbol name in the text-box under the “Symbol” column and select from one of the displayed options.
- Enter the numeric value of the quantity under the “Current Quantity” column.
- Click on the “floppy” icon to save this portfolio.
b) Rename and delete portfolio
To rename the portfolio,
- Click the “tag” icon to view the list of saved portfolios.
- Click on the portfolio that needs to be renamed.
- Click on the portfolio name and modify it.
- Click on the floppy icon to save this portfolio.
To delete the portfolio,
- Click the “tag” icon to view the list of saved portfolios. Both old name and new name portfolios will appear.
- Click on the “dustbin” icon next to the saved old portfolio name that needs to be deleted.
c) Modify portfolio symbols
- Click the “tag” icon to view the list of saved portfolios.
- Click on the portfolio that needs to be modified.
- To modify the symbol, click on the symbol name under “Symbol“, select one of the presented options, then enter the numeric value under “Current Quantity“.
- Repeat the previous step to modify the next symbol.
- To delete the symbol, click on the “dustbin” icon on the extreme right hand side of the symbol row that needs to be deleted.
- To add a symbol, click on the “+” icon after the last symbol row. This will add new blank row where “Symbol” name and “Current Quantity” needs to be entered.
- Repeat the previous step to add more new symbols.
- Click on the “floppy” icon to save this portfolio.
d) Import portfolio
- Click the “tag” icon and click on “IMPORT PORTFOLIO“.
- Either enter the symbol(s) and quantities separated by commas or drag & drop csv/excel files with two columns (symbol name and quantity respectively) or click the button captioned “Choose File“, to browse and select the csv/excel files with two columns (symbol name and quantity respectively).
- Click on the orange button “IMPORT“.
- The table with all the rows will be displayed. If the symbol name is incorrect, and exclamation mark will be shown just before the “Current Quantity” textbox. In this case, either correct the “Symbol” name or delete the row.
- Enter the name of the portfolio in text area captioned “Portfolio Name“.
- Click on the floppy icon to save this portfolio.
e) Popular portfolios
- Click the “tag” icon and click on “POPULAR PORTFOLIOS“.
- A list of themes will be displayed.
- Click on the theme, and further click on its sub-option.
- The table with “Symbol” rows will be populated with the symbol names, previous date rates, etc.
- In case you want to save it as your portfolio, you may add/remove the symbol(s).
- Enter the name for this new portfolio in text area as per your choice.
- Click on the “Floppy” icon to save this portfolio.
f) Sharing portfolio
- Click the “tag” icon and select the portfolio.
- The table with “Symbol” rows will be populated with the symbol name(s), previous date rate(s), and current quantity(ies).
- You may share your portfolio either on social media platforms, viz. “FACEBOOK“, “TWITTER“, “LINKEDIN” or you may “SHARE URL“.
- In case of sharing on any social media platform(s), a separate page for authentication will appear before your portfolio gets shared.
- In case of “SHARE URL“, a custom URL will be generated, which may be copied by clicking the orange button captioned “Copy Url“.
h) Using Portfolio Optimizer tour
- Click the dotted line box captioned “TOUR” on the right hand top corner of the table.
- Pop-up will appear adjoining the different sections of the page.
- Just read the information and click “Next >>“.
- Repeat the previous step until the last button the pop-up appears as “End tour“. You may also end the tour in between by clicking the button “End tour“.
i) Optimize for current quantities
- Create a new portfolio or load the existing portfolio using the “tag” icon.
- Click the orange button captioned “Optimize“.
- A pop-up will appear, where click the first orange button “Optimize” shown against “Current portfolio value“.
- The “Optimum Quantity” column will show all the optimum quantity(ies) of the symbol(s).
- Grey means removing all the quantities of the symbol from the portfolio, pink means reducing some quantities of the symbol from the portfolio and green means adding some more quantities of the symbol to the portfolio.
j) Optimize for cash
- Create a new portfolio or load the existing portfolio using the “tag” icon.
- Click the orange button captioned “Optimize“.
- A pop-up will appear, where click inside the textbox captioned “Investment Amount” and then click the button “Optimize” shown against it.
- The “Optimum Quantity” column will show all the optimum quantity(ies) of the symbol(s) based on the “Investment Amount“.
- Grey means removing all the quantities of the symbol from the portfolio, pink means reducing some quantities of the symbol from the portfolio and green means adding some more quantities of the symbol to the portfolio.
k) Optimize for equal allocation
- Create a new portfolio or load the existing portfolio using the “tag” icon.
- Click the orange button captioned “Optimize“.
- A pop-up will appear, where click inside the textbox captioned “Equally Allocate” and then click the button “Optimize” shown against it.
- The “Optimum Quantity” column will show all the optimum quantity(ies) of the symbol(s) based on the “Equal Allocation“.
- Grey means removing all the quantities of the symbol from the portfolio, pink means reducing some quantities of the symbol from the portfolio and green means adding some more quantities of the symbol to the portfolio.
m) Get recommendations (Magic Wand)
- Create a new portfolio or load the existing portfolio using the “tag” icon.
- Click the orange button with icon of a “Magic Wand” just next to the “+” symbol at the right hand bottom of the table.
- A new row gets added with a recommended “Symbol” to consider.
- Repeat step 2, to get more recommendation(s).
n) Viewing portfolio charts
- Create a new portfolio or load the existing portfolio using the “tag” icon.
- Scroll down the page and look for “Portfolio” tab.
- A chart with different colour lines would be shown. This chart depicts the performance of S&P-500, Current Portfolio and the Optimised Portfolio since the inception of the latest symbol.
- Click on “Historic Charts” tab, which will display three charts, viz. “Percentage Chart“, “Price Chart“, “Monthly Returns“.
- Click on “Percentage Chart“, which will display a chart with different colour lines, each depicts the performance of S&P-500, Current Portfolio, the Optimised Portfolio and all the symbols in the portfolio, since the inception of the latest symbol.
- Click on “Price Chart“, which will display a chart with different colour lines, each depicts the price levels of S&P-500, Current Portfolio, the Optimised Portfolio and all the symbols in the portfolio, since the inception of the latest symbol.
- Click on “Monthly Returns“, which will display a chart with different colour lines, each depicts the profitability (in percentage) of S&P-500, Current Portfolio, the Optimised Portfolio and all the symbols in the portfolio, since the inception of the latest symbol.
o) Viewing return and risk per symbol
- Create a new portfolio or load the existing portfolio using the “tag” icon.
- Scroll down the page and look for “Historic Performance” tab.
- Different timeframes will be shown, viz. Daily, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years.
- Click on each of these timeframes, which display the “Return” and “Risk” for each symbol in that timeframe.
Useful Links:
Portfolio Optimiser US
How to Use Portfolio Optimiser (YouTube)